In Eastern medicine, health is defined as "wholeness," a balance/harmony of the complementary and interconnected parts of ourselves—our Yin and Yang. Yoga means "union," the joining/yoking of the body, mind, and spirit. During asana practice, our "Yang" yoga, we focus on movement, heat, effort, and the outside of our body. To achieve optimum wellness, it is vital that we balance our bodies with "Yin" yoga.
During a Yin yoga practice, we go inside and experience long-held poses that focus on stillness, coolness, and yielding. These Yin poses offer stretching of our deeper connective tissues, mobilizing and strengthening our joints, ligaments, and fascial networks.
This pop up will start with an easy flow to gently warm the body (no chattarungas) and move into this special practice.
Ideal for all levels.